
Navarasa (9 Emotions)

Nava represents nine and Rasa indicates emotional state or emotions in the word " navarasa ." Shringara (love/beauty), Hasya (laughing), Karuna (sorrow), Raudra (anger), Veera (heroism/courage), Bhayanaka (terror/fear), Bibhatsya (disgust), Adbutha (surprise/wonder), and Shantha are the nine emotions according to Ayurveda (peace or tranquillity). These are the feelings that people experience in accordance with their circumstances in life. Because of their presence, life is vibrant and equally pulsing. These nine emotions serve as living proof. We would resemble robots or machines if we were emotionless and immobile. Some of us react more readily and with stronger emotional quotients. No matter how joyful or unpleasant, our emotions are free to flow! At various times, we experience all of them: love, surprise, anger, sadness, fear, courage, aversion, and peace. Sometimes, when our emotions are running high, we respond hastily to a particular circumstance. In order to prevent o...
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